What is Andover Dollars for Scholars?
Founded in 1996, Andover Dollars for Scholars is a community-based, volunteer-operated, scholarship foundation. Any Andover resident who has been accepted as a fulltime student in an institution of higher education is eligible for consideration.
What are the criteria?
Andover residency
Acceptance in a post-secondary program of education
Completed application
Both need and merit are considered, with special emphasis on service to the Andover community
All applications are reviewed without names and other identifying information by the Andover Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Committee.
What is the benefit of a Dollars for Scholars Scholarship?
Students who receive other local scholarships often find that their financial aid packages have been reduced by a percentage of the scholarship. Collegiate Partner institutions have agreed that Dollars for Scholars scholarships will be used to fill any unmet student need remaining after the institution's financial aid package has been calculated. Additionally, some of these institutions will match the Dollars for Scholars awards. Over 400 colleges, universities and other accredited institutions in the United States are Collegiate Partner schools. A list of Collegiate Partner Schools is available at http://scholarshipamerica.org/cp,php
What is the source of money for Dollars for Scholars scholarships?
Each Dollars for Scholars chapter raises scholarship money in a variety of ways. The Andover chapter uses:
The tax check-off with property and excise tax bills
Individual and corporate donations as memorials to loved ones or in honor of milestone events
Various fund-raising activities
All Dollars for Scholars funds are professionally managed by the Treasurer of the Town of Andover.
Who directs Andover Dollars for Scholars?
A group of interested citizens constitutes the decision-making Board of Directors of Andover Dollars for Scholars. Any Andover resident, who shares the vision of encouraging and supporting fellow citizens in achieving their educational aspirations, may join.
Who selects award recipients?
The Andover Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Committee is a separate entity appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Its sole purpose is to select the recipients of scholarship funds raised by Andover Dollars for Scholars, as well as the recipients of scholarships from other participating organizations.
How do I apply?
Go to the Students & Parents Login page to create a student profile.
To make a tax-deductible donation, send check payable to:
Andover Dollars for Scholars
36 Bartlet Street
Andover, MA 01810
For more information, contact:
Philip Giguere: andoverdollarsforscholars@gmail.com